From my 8/26 Facebook status update:
allow for both small and large groups for activities and discussion, I'm
having students join static teams with color labels--which I can then
mix together to form larger groups. Thus far, in order of popularity:
green, purple, yellow, red, blue/orange (tie)"
In response to a comment by a colleague, asking for more details:
Moodle, we have a Choices module, which allows me to set up a
radio-button choice resource. I simply created six color teams and
limited them to 10 students each (my Moodle site combines three online
sections). In larger discussions (analysis/discussion
of readings, etc.), I'll combine two color teams, for a total of 20
participants. For smaller activities (response groups, etc.), I'll
divide each color team in half, for five-person groups. When posting the
discussion forums, I'll simply label them by colors (or in the case of
split colors, the color and first names of the participants in that
group). Will it work? Who knows? But, that's pretty much the way
everything will operate this semester."
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