Thursday, September 5, 2013

On Dreaming about Online Teaching

"Last night I dreamt that angels were helping me give feedback to the students in my online classes. The students became hooked on the angel comments, craving their input. I told the angels that their feedback was clearly a "gateway" drug. In my dream I found this so funny and laughed so hard that I woke myself up."

The above passage was my Facebook status update this morning, and the dream made such an impression on me that I'm still thinking about it nearly three hours after waking up. I'm not much of one for dream interpretation, but this dream raises a few things for me to consider:
  1. I've been a bit obsessed by my online classes these first couple of weeks, and now that obsession has spilled over to my unconscious hours.
  2. I'm really enjoying giving my students feedback and interacting with them online this semester, and I do wonder if they find it half as satisfying as I do. While I doubt they find it addicting, I do hope they notice my response and value what I have to say--and what they are saying to each other. 
  3. Why angels? Is it an ex-Catholic flashback or does my work have divine approval? 
Okay, so the third point isn't something for true contemplation, but those of you who know me will know that religious overtones aren't really my thing--making the dream even more striking. Still, I see this all as a good omen of sorts. I've been frightened out of dreams or have woken up crying in the past, but I can't ever recall waking up due to laughter. I must be having fun.

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